This chapter deals with the creation of the electrical containment systems for the project. DDS-CAD includes tools for defining cable tray, ladder, trunking and conduit, and are available via the working mode Cable Tray Trunking and Conduit.
Containment working mode.
These are the functions of the containment systems available on the toolbox:
Containment toolbox showing the available tools, ladder/cable tray, trunking and conduit. Each of these containment types have the same methodology for creating, routing and editing, in this tutorial the detail of how to define ladder is described, and the same methods and functions apply to tray, trunking and conduit.
You would like to define a new ladder (product type, elevation, size etc...) and start drawing in the model.
1. Start the Ladder function from the toolbox:
Start ladder function.
2. Click in drawing at the position, where the Ladder is to start. The Start Ladder dialog box is displayed.
Start Ladder dialog box.
3. Change the settings for the ladder as required, and click on Ok to start drawing the ladder. The ladder is attached to the cursor, each click point in the drawing will define a bend.
You would like to start drawing a ladder using the settings used to draw the previous ladder.
1. Start the Ladder function from the toolbox:
Start ladder function.
2. Press the shift key, and then click in drawing at the position, where the Ladder is to start. Note that the Start Ladder dialog is not displayed. The ladder is attached to the cursor, each click point in the drawing will define a bend.
You would like to continue drawing from the end of an existing ladder.
1. Start the Ladder function from the toolbox:
Start ladder function.
2. Position the cursor at the end of the existing ladder, the existing ladder will be highlighted as selected.
Starting from an existing ladder.
3. Click to start drawing from the existing ladder with the same settings. The ladder is attached to the cursor, each click point in the drawing will define a bend.
You want to create a branch from an existing ladder, starting from a Tee, and continue drawing.
1. Start the Ladder function from the toolbox:
Start ladder function.
2. Point to the position in the Ladder that the Tee is to be inserted. The Ladder appears as a selected object.
3. Click on the Ladder and the Ladder Tee dialog will be displayed. Select the correct orientation and size for the branch, and click on Ok.
Ladder Tee dialog.
4. The new ladder is attached to the cursor, but it is constrained to the direction of the tee. Each click point in the drawing will define a bend.
You have terminated a Ladder from above or below at the ceiling/floor. Thus you created connection points to the next floor. These connection points are to be taken up and continued.
1. Start the function Start Ladder from Floor from the toolbox
Start Ladder from Floor.
2. A table is displayed. In the upper part the connection points are listed in the cover, in lower section are the connection points in the floor. In the drawing all connection points are displayed as a visible rectangle. The size of the rectangle corresponds to that Cross section of the Ladder.
Start Ladder from Floor dialog - Click on Zoom to see the selected Ladder.
3. Select an entry in the table. In the drawing the active connection point (labelled entry in the table) is indicated by a diagonal cross, inactive connection points will not be displayed with a cross. Check that you have the correct connection and click Ok. The program detects the vertical drawing direction. It takes up the direction and asks, at which height the transition is to be into the horizontal.
4. Input the new height as difference to the current height ( "Relative Height“) or as desired target height ( "Absolute height “).
Enter new height for the ladder.
5. Click [OK]. The new ladder is attached to the cursor, but it is constrained to the direction of the bend. Each click point in the drawing will define a bend.
You have terminated a Ladder from above or below at the ceiling/floor. Thus you created connection points to the next floor. These connection points are to be passed through directly to the following floor.
1. Start the function Start Ladder from Floor from the toolbox
Start Ladder from Floor.
2. A table is displayed. In the upper part the connection points are listed in the cover, in lower section are the connection points in the floor. In the drawing all connection points are displayed as a visible rectangle. The size of the rectangle corresponds to that Cross section of the Ladder. (See image above).
3. Select an entry in the table. In the drawing the active connection point (labelled entry in the table) is indicated by a diagonal cross, inactive connection points will not be displayed with a cross. Check that you have the correct connection and click Auto Draw.
Click on Auto Draw to run trunking to the next floor. The Ladder was transferred to the following floor. It can be taken up and continued there.
You would like to insert a jump over or under an obstacle. The Ladder is to run diagonally upward or downward.
1. Draw the route to the position of the elevation change and click with the left mouse button.
2. Press "B" or right click and choose bend from the context menu.
Select Bend from the context menu.
3. The Bend dialog is displayed. Select Up or Down for the direction and set the angle to be used for the rise/fall.
Bend dialog.
4. Click [OK]. The dialog "New Z Height“ is displayed.
New Z Height dialog.
5. Input the new height as difference to the current height ( "Relative Height“) or as desired target height ( "Absolute height “).
6. Click [OK]. The elevation of the route is modified. The length of the incline is calculated by the program. You can continue drawing.
You would like to connect the current Ladder to an existing Ladder.
1. Draw the current Ladder to the planned connection point. Point to the position in the existing Ladder, where the link is to take place. The Ladder appears as a selected object. A window displays dimensions and height difference of both Ladders. Click and the Connect Ladders dialog is displayed.
Connect Ladders dialog.
2. Set the connection and click[OK]. The connection is created. The function remains active and you can start a new route.
You would like to define a new trunking (product type, elevation, size etc...) and start drawing in the model.
1. Start the Trunking function from the toolbox:
Start Trunking Function.
2. Click in drawing at the position, where the Trunking is to start. The Start Trunking dialog box is displayed.
Start Trunking Dialog
3. Change the settings for the trunking as required, and click on Ok to start drawing the trunking. The trunking is attached to the cursor, each click point in the drawing will define a bend. Follow the procedure as described for the Ladder above.
You would like to define a new conduit (product type, elevation, size etc...) and start drawing in the model.
1. Start the Conduit function from the toolbox:
Start Conduit Function.
2. Click in drawing at the position, where the Conduit is to start. The Start Conduit dialog box is displayed.
Start Conduit Dialog
3. Change the settings for the Conduit as required, and click on Ok to start drawing the Conduit. The Conduit is attached to the cursor, each click point in the drawing will define a bend. Follow the procedure as described for the Ladder above.